
A Collective Journey to Generational Wealth

On the 99th anniversary of the Black Wall Street massacre, I joined a group of friends and co-conspirators committed to build and execute plans for generational wealth 100 years into the future.

Tulsa100 Families began on May 31, 2020 (the 99th anniversary of the Black Wall Street massacre) with a group of friends and co-conspirators committed to find multiple ways of circulating our currency and making it sustainable for generations to come.

Tulsa100 Families is a bold project with an aim to assist 100 families with building and executing plans for generational wealth 100 years into the future. This is afrofuturism at its core. It is long-term planning done collectively. Our net worth will increase, communities will be restored, and our relationship to capitalism will transform as a result of the knowledge and resources of our powerful network.

Starting in August 2020, our Tulsa100 Families gathered bi-weekly to increase our financial literacy, improve our financial circumstances, and introduce one another to information and opportunities to grow and sustain our wealth.


We organized a 10-month plan that culminates on the 100th anniversary of the Greenwood attack - May 31-June 1, 2021.

  • Phase One: PLAN - Assessing our financial realities, creating liability and investment plans, saving 6 months of expenses

  • Phase Two: BUILD - Adding assets and income streams, appraising art & collectibles

  • Phase Three: SECURE - Protecting our wealth through estate planning, archiving and preserving family history, and developing blueprints for our descendants

Speakers included:


“At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be for our race economic independence.”

— Booker T. Washington